

the Benefits of Yuanda Pre-fabricated with Steel Structure
Date:2016/12/16      Browse:1697


With tight schedule on constructing a structure, the only way to maintain structural integrity and safety while getting the job done as quickly as possible is by using Well and Able Innovative Building Method. All steel structure components are pre-designed and pre-fabricated from the factory to the specifications of the project and will be sending to site ready for erection. Steel members are joint using a bolt and nut connections to illuminate welding at site except on some special connection cases. This approach can cut down the man-hours needed and equipment to complete the task.


Steel structures characteristics are strong enough to withstand hurricane force winds and even earthquakes. Modification flexibility in some events sometimes plans may change during the construction. The layout of a particular structure may not always be the same, with a steel structure those layout changes won't be a problem, as the structure easily can be modified later.



With lighter weight on the structure means foundation costs are lowered considerably. The amount of concrete needed in a foundation to support the steel structure in a building is less than it would be  with other materials.  Which means can save foundation cost.


Steel is a recyclable material which can be used in construction more than one time. Most of the steel sold today has been recycled from previous uses. When buildings or bridges are demolished, nearly 100 percent (100%) of the steel gets recycled and eventually will be used again.