

Right Decision to Choose Yuanda Panels, Blocks and Steel Structures
Date:2016/9/5      Browse:1653

From an economic point of view, a decision to construct a building and choose appropriate building materials are clearly determined. As an Owner, Architect, Engineer, or Contractor, the cost of construction must be minimized while still maintaining technical requirements and high quality standards. In addition to the initial construction costs, stabilizing and maintaining low long-term operating and energy costs is important.

With YUANDA products, all elements for the walls, floor and roof can be combined into a complete system with one construction material. By limiting the types of materials, economy can be achieved during both the design and construction phases of a project. An advanced building system, such as YUANDA, guarantees long durability combined with minimized maintenance costs.

Initial Capital Costs

Lower Transportation Costs

Due to the low weight of YUANDA AAC products (as little as one-fifth the weight of concrete), the capacity for transporting the material is maximized and related freight costs reduced.

Quicker Construction

The large size of the panel and block allows much higher productivity than most materials. Construction crews can complete their work and move to the next project. Panels allow up to 40 square feet to be placed in a single lift accomplished by two men and a crane/operator in just a few minutes. The lower material weight also allows longer crane reaches and better accessibility by mobile equipment.

Reduced Finish Material Costs

Because of the fire, thermal, acoustic, and surface properties, finish materials such as insulation and gypsum board are not needed. Smaller HVAC systems are usually possible when using AAC material.

Quicker Application of Finishes
Since AAC compatible finishes can usually be directly applied with spray equipment in a one-coat application, the time associated with finishing the building is minimized. Many products can also be specified with integral color, eliminating the costs and time associated with painting.

Life Cycle Costs

Energy Conservation

YUANDA material has excellent thermal insulation and thermal storage capability (see Thermal Efficiency Section). These properties reduce energy requirements for both heating and cooling. Smaller HVAC systems also improve efficiency. In locations where off peak energy rates are available,
the thermal mass characteristics allow more of the air conditioning load to take place in lower cost periods of the day.

While energy reduction capability is different for each building design, and should be evaluated by the project architect, a general analysis of energy savings using typical design assumptions can be useful.

This provides an estimate when doing a preliminary life cycle cost analysis. One method for this preliminary estimate is shown below. Standard design data is typically obtained from architectural standards manuals or ASHRAE publications.